Cheese Rolling!

If you like cheese you might like to give the world famous Gloucestershire tradition of cheese rolling a go.

It's quite simple, you climb to the top of a ridiculously steep hill in the Gloucestershire countryside and then launch yourself back down the hill chasing a large round lump of cheese. The person who reaches the bottom first wins the cheese! You may not the reach the bottom with all of your limbs in working order but hey I'm sure the cheese is worth it!

David Cameron v Ed Milliband

After a night of emotion and remarkable results, the General Election 2015 is now over. The country has now turned blue with Scotland a distinct yellow in favour of the SNP. Labour and the Liberal Democrats took a bashing with the people of England and Wales deciding to stick with what they know and give David Cameron another five years to finish the job. 

I photographed the former Labour leader Ed Milliband a couple of months ago on the campaign trail in Gloucestershire. He seemed like a nice guy, more relaxed and tuned in than the impression I got from watching him on TV. After five years as leader he's now looking for a new job. As for David Cameron... I hope he does well and doesn't send the country to sleep, unlike the audience members in a speech he gave a few years back! :-)